Fire alarm call point symbol only Sign
  • Fire alarm call point symbol only Sign
  • Fire alarm call point symbol only Sign

YADA photoluminescent Fire alarm call point symbol only Sign OEM


Material :PVC


Absorb timne:10min 

After glow time :12hours

life span :>10years indoor ,>5year out door 



yada luminescent sign.jpg

YADA Fire alarm call point symbol only Sign

1). Glow color: yellow-green/blue-green  in dark.

      Image: depending on customer's requirement.

      Size: depending on customer's requirement.

      Glow intensity: have CLASS A,B,C,D glow level.

      Material: self-adhesive vinyls, PVC rigid sheet, Aluminum, stainless steel.

2). Nontoxic, harmless and non- flammble, doesn’t contain any radioactive elements.

3). After charging visiable light  for 5~10 minutes, they can glow in the dark for

     exceeding 12 hours.

4). Excellent stability performance, extremely high afterglow performance and long

    lifetime performance.

5). Photoluminescent signs are based on photoluminescent self-adhesive vinyls, or   photoluminescent PVC rigid sheet, or photoluminescent alumimum or stainless steel, which are produced by  YADA , so the quality and delivery time can be controlled well by us. also we can offer competitive price from us.


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